

popular questions


What is this server about?

GlobeMC is a Minecraft survival server that uses an Equirectangular projected model map of the Earth as its setting.

Found a town, expand, build it to amazement, make shops, trade with other players, get rich, create a powerful nation, and make friends and enemies as you conquer the world.

How big is the map?

The map is a 1:200 scale model. This means 1 block in-game is 200 meters in real life. The entire map is 184320x92160 blocks.

Is there a server map? Where am I?

You can get a direct link to the map by typing /map or by going to:


How do I get money?

Unlike other servers that have a static economy, we use a dynamic one centered on trade. Making money is as simple as mining ores and selling them for currency.

What type of economy does this server have?

This server is going for an economy focused on player trading.
This means you mostly do trading via player shops or by selling to the server with simulated stocks.

How do I deposit money into a town/nation bank?

You must create a bank plot in your town using
/plot set bank.
Homeblocks can also be used, but only if there is no bank plot in your town.

How do I make a shop?

Place a sign 1 block away from a chest (like on the front of it)
On the sign, write:

The first line will be automatically filled with your name

The second line is the amount of items to buy or sell

The third line is a combination of buy and sell prices. You need to have a price indicator like B or S. Buying and selling prices are separated by a colon :

The forth line will hold the id/name of the item. Write ? on the sign and the item will be autofilled with the one from the chest or you can click on the sign with the item afterwards.


How do I make a town? How can I protect my stuff?

To protect your buildings/chests you must create a town.
To create a town you need to have 250₪, and then type:
/t new {townname}

Make sure to claim in the right spot! F3+G to see chunks!

Note: You can only be in and own one town at a time.

How do you claim land?

Once you have created a town, you can deposit money into it's bank plot by typing /t deposit {#}

You can claim adjacent chunks for 25₪. This claims the chunk you're standing on.

1 Chunk = 16x16x256 Block Area

Town claims have to be contiguous to each other, otherwise you will need to found an outpost.

What are outposts?

Outposts are claims that are seperate from your main town, and as a result are more expensive, at 500₪.

To claim an outpost type: /t claim outpost After that initial payment, you can expand the outpost as if it were part of your main town.

Outposts also act as teleport points that you can teleport to at anytime by typing /t outpost {#}
To see outpost numbers type: /t outpost list

How do I invite someone? How do I accept an invite?

To invite someone to your town type:
/t invite {playername}
To accept an invite to a town type:
/accept {townname}

How can I allow my friends to manage our town?

By default your town only allows residents to build and destroy.

Towny offers multiple ways to manage permissions. The quickest and easiest way is by typing /t rank add {player} chancellor which will grant that player the same permissions as the mayor.

Only do this if you trust the person!

More Info

For more info on towns please visit: The Towny Wiki (Click Here)

Town Permissions

How do permissions work?

Towny has 4 main permission nodes:
Build: allows the placing of all blocks.
Destroy: allows the destroying of all blocks.
Switch: allows doors, and all containers to be opened.
ItemUse: allows items such as buckets or flint and steel to be used.

Which can be accessed by 4 types of people:
Resident: citizens in your town.
Nation: your nation members.
Ally: other nations you have allied.
Outsider: people not in your town.

How do I set my town permissions?

Town permissions, which effect all chunks you own can be managed by typing:
/t set perm {resident/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}
Plot permissions, which effect a chunk can be managed by typing:
/plot set perm {resident/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}
Permissions can be reset to default by typing:
/t set perm reset
/plot set perm reset

To allow your residents to build/destroy
/t set perm resident build on
/t set perm resident destroy on

You can toggle all permissions by typing:
/{t/plot} set perm {on/off}
You can toggle all permissions for specific people by typing:
/{t/plot} set perm {resident/ally/outsider} {on/off}
You can toggle all specifc permissions for everyone by typing:
/{t/plot} set perm {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}

More Info

For more info on towns please visit: The Towny Wiki (Click Here)


What are nations?

Nations are an abstract collection of towns (or just one town) with one town as the capital.

Why would I join or create a nation?

Nations provide various benefits such as a raised claim cap, raised outpost cap, protection against friendly fire, and fast travel points.

How do I create a nation?

To create a nation you first need to have a town and 1000₪ in your town bank. Then type: /n new {nationname} This will create a nation with your town as the capital.

How do I invite someone? How do I accept an invite?

To invite a town to the nation type: /n invite {town}
To accept an invite to a nation type: /t invite accept {nation}
To deny an invite to a nation type: /t invite deny {nation}

How do I ally another nation?

When you've found a nation you want to ally with type:
/n ally add {nation}
If you have received an ally request and want to ally type:
/n ally accept {nation}
Being allied allows you to be protected from friendly fire, help on each others plots (if the plot's perm line allows allies), and to help each other in war.

More Info

For more info on nations please visit: The Towny Wiki (Click Here)


What are all the chat channels?

Global Chat
Everyone can see this, including the Discord.

Local Chat
Only people within 100 blocks of you can see this.

Town Chat
Only residents of your town can see this.

Nation Chat
Only towns in your nation can see this.

Can I leave global chat?

Yes, you can leave the global chat channel by typing: /leave g and you will be put in the local chat channel.
To rejoin type: /join g
This will work for every channel.

People have titles like Hermit, or King. How can I get those?

By default only the owner of a town/nation will have a title displayed. Default town/nation ranks will upgrade as your town/nation grows.
If you'd like to override this and manually set a title for youself or another resident you must be a leader or assistant of a nation and type:
/n set title {nationmember} {title}
or a mayor of a town and type:
/t set title {resident} {title}


What do the icons on the map mean?

Blue flags indicate independant towns not in a nation.
Houses indicate a town in a nation.
Big houses indicate a town is a capital of a nation.

Any other questions?

This section only includes the most popular questions made by other people so your answer may not be here.
If you are looking for any other server mechanics, you may find your answer in the wiki section.