Our policy on expression is very lenient. We allow people to both roleplay as different real-life nations, as well as voice their opinions on sensitive subjects no matter the stance; However, we are NOT accepting of people that purposely make others feel uncomfortable such as...
When speaking in global chat, you should only speak in English. You can use other private chat channels for other languages such as town chat or private messages.
If the only players online, or if most of the online players speak your language, you are allowed to speak it in the global channels too.
NSFW, NSFL, gore, and malicious links designed to harm a user (i.e. IP grabbers, "token loggers", epilepsy inducing and "crash" videos) are not allowed in our community. Additionally, we do not allow advertisements unless they are explicitly related to the Starlight Network or any of our servers.
Cheat clients, macro keys, and other modifications which give the player gameplay leverage over other players are not allowed; However, we do allow certain types such as...
Players are not allowed to take advantage of apparent server bugs or otherwise exploit technical oversights. Intentionally causing harm to the services we provide is a permanently bannable offense. This includes actions such as...
We are a server of the planet Earth, with the map containing real life locations adjacent to where humans live. People are allowed to carve their own paths so long as the list below is not violated:
Players may not excessively damage terrain around claims. Players breaking this rule can be banned and damage rolled back. Please note that mayors and kings are responsible for misconfigured town/nation permission settings. Grief can be...
To preserve the accuracy and aesthetics of the map, major ugly terraformations are not allowed. In general, if your edits of the landscape alter the map view in a significant unappealing way, they will be removed.
This is a relaxed rule and not strict.
TP killing is the act of tricking a player into accepting a teleportation request with the intention of killing them. It's up to each and every player to protect themselves.
See: Toxicity
Standing in a pool, or a machine meant to constantly keep you moving "away from keyboard" is allowed provided no other rules are broken in the process.
You may be kicked if the server needs to free up resources and space for actively playing players.
Stealing from and scamming other players is allowed. It's up to each and every player to protect their assets.
See: Toxicity