

The server's land claiming plugin

The Hierarchy


A town is a collection of residents with one resident as the mayor.

Towns have a bank which the mayor can deposit /t deposit {$} and withdraw /t withdraw {$} from.
A history of deposits and withdrawals can be seen via:
/t bankhistory.

Towns can have taxes that will be taken at the end of each day interval /t set taxes {$} which is $0 by default.

Towns grow outwards from their home block, the townblock the mayor stood in during town creation /t claim.

Townblocks need to be claimed next to each other, unless the mayor claims an outpost.

All of the towns on a server can be seen in a list using /town list.


Kings run nations and are the mayor of the capital city.

Kings can decide which ranks their residents have. See available ranks using /n ranklist.

Players are ranked using /n rank {add|remove} {playername} {rankname}. A player can have more than one rank assigned.

Kings have the ability to set titles /n set title {playername} {titlename}. Typing that command with nothing after the player's name resets the title.

What are outposts?

Outposts are claims that are seperate from your main town, and as a result are more expensive, at 80₪.

To claim an outpost type /t claim outpost After that initial payment, you can expand the outpost as if it were part of your main town.

Outposts also act as teleport points that you can teleport to at anytime by typing /t outpost {#}
To see outpost numbers type /t outpost list


A nation is a collection of towns with one town as the capital. The mayor of that capital is the king.

Like a town, a nation has its own bank:
/n withdraw {$} /n deposit {$} and can tax the towns that belong to it.

Nations have a spawn /n spawn that can be placed /n set spawn in any town they own. If the nation is public, non-enemy players can go to it /n spawn {nationname}.

Two nations can join in an alliance /n ally add {nationname} /n ally accept {nationname}, which protects from friendly fire, allows help on each others plots (if the perm line allows allies) and help each other in war.

Nations grant many perks to their towns which increase as the nation population increases such as a townblock cap raise and an outpost cap raise.


Residents have their own command /resident which outputs a Resident Screen, displaying Money, Town, Plots owned and Friends.

Residents can join towns or start a town of their own /t new {townname}.

Residents who join towns can claim plots that the Mayor of the town has set for sale.

When a resident owns 1 or more plots, they will see a new line on their Resident Screen, showing plots owned and a perm line showing plot perms.


Mayors, Assistants, and Sheriffs can edit Outlaws /t outlaw {add|remove} {playername}.

Outlaws can be any player and do not have to be in a town or nation. If the outlaw is a member of your town they will be kicked.

Towns that are set to Open-status (anyone can join /t join {townname}) can use the outlaw list to prevent these players from joining their town freely.

Players that enter into a town where they are considered to be an outlaw will see a warning informing them.

If a player is online and they are made into an Outlaw they will see a warning in chat.

Outlaws can be jailed if they die in the town where they are considered to be an outlaw, assuming the town has a jail, and the killer is a mayor, sheriff, or chancellor

View your town’s outlaw list using /t outlawlist. View other towns' outlaw list using /t outlawlist {townname}.

How Towns Grow

Starting a Town

Mayors start towns using the command /t new {townname}. The chunk they are standing in will be the home block for the town, the exact spot will be the spawn point for the town.

More townblocks can be claimed using /t claim. These townblocks need to be directly adjacent to already claimed townblocks.

Joining Towns

There are two ways to join towns, the first is by being invited by a Mayor or Chancellor. The second is by joining an open town.

Mayors and Chancellors can invite players to their town with the command /t add {playername}. The player will receive a prompt to either /accept or /deny the invitation.

Mayors can set their towns to open using /t toggle open. A player who isn't in a town already can use the command /t join {townname} to join open towns.

When residents join towns they increase the number of townblocks accessible to the mayor for claiming by +10 per resident.

Plot System of Land Ownership

Town Blocks

Block protection is broken down into plots of land, called townblocks, which are 16x16x256 blocks, or 1 chunk from bedrock to height limit.

Towns must at least have three adjacent chunks to expand, meaning you cannot expand in a straight line.

Plot Types

Default Plots

These plots do not need any specific command to be designated.

They are put up for sale with /plot forsale {$}.

A plot which is not of default type can be reset to a default plot with /plot set reset.

Shop Plots

Shop plots are designated with /plot set shop.

A mayor can use /town set shopprice {$} to set how much shop plots are sold at by default. This can be overriden when a mayor puts the actual plot up for sale with /plot forsale {$}.

A mayor can also charge an additional shoptax with /town set shoptax {$}. This tax is charged in addition to the normal plottax.

Inn Plots

Inn plots are designated with /plot set inn

An Inn plot allows anyone to use a bed to set their /res spawn and spawn on death. The Inn plot will deny a player who is in a nation declared as an enemy by your nation.

Farm Plots

Farm plots are designated with /plot set farm.

A Farm plot players to only build/destroy:

Who can build/destroy these blocks is still determined by the plot's perm line seen in the /plot perm screen.

This means that if break=rao, anyone can plant/place the above blocks in the plot. If break=r-- then only town residents can plant/place the allowed blocks.

Farm plots also allow town residents to kill animals in the plot.

Wilds Plots

Wilds plots are designated with /plot set wilds

A wilds plot allows residents to destroy certain blocks. This includes ores, trees, flowers, mushrooms and other harvestable blocks. It does not include stone, dirt, grass and other terrain blocks.

It is useful for creating tree farms, and protecting the terrain around a town, while still allowing residents to cut trees and explore caves.

You can also set allies or outsiders perms if you want non-town-members to use the Wilds plots.

Bank Plots

Bank plots are designated with /plot set bank.

Bank plots are used to withdraw and deposit from the town/nation banks.

Embassy Plots

Embassy plots are designated with /plot set embassy.

A mayor can use /t set embassyprice {$} to set how much embassy plots are sold at by default. This can be overriden when a mayor puts the actual plot up for sale with /plot forsale {$}.

A mayor can also charge an additional embassytax with /town set embassytax {$}. This tax is charged in addition to the normal plottax.

An embassy plot can be bought by any player, whether they are in a town or not. The townblock remains owned by the host-town and a mayor from the host-town can take the plot from the owner at any time.

Embassy plots can also be changed into shop plots, allowing for larger shop towns, where many different towns' players can set up shops.

When a player leaves a town they do not lose ownership of their embassy plots.

Jail Plots

Jail plots are designated with /plot set jail

Players can become jailed if:
- The player's mayor/sheriffs send them to jail.
- An attacker who attacks a town which considers him an Enemy (Nation-relationship) dies in that Town. He is sent to the first available Jail plot of the defending town.

Jailed players become unjailed if:
- They leave their town.
- The mayor/sheriff unjails them.
- The player pays a 16₪ bail to the town which jailed them using: /resident jail paybail.
- They manage to escape the jail plot and the town and get into Wilderness.

Jailed players cannot teleport.
Jailed players can use Ender Pearls.
Jailed players who die are sent back to their prescribed jail plot.
Jailed players show their jailed status in the /res {playername} screen, along with the town they are jailed in.

Arena Plots

Arena plots are designated with /plot set arena.

PVP is on all the time in arena plots as well as friendly-fire damage.

Station Plots

Station plots are designated with /plot set station and cost 100₪.

This is a waypoint plot that allows for fast travel between other plots of this type, up to a limit of 20000 blocks using the command /twp travel. It allows for mounted vehicles to be transported along with the player.

In order to change the status of a waypoint, you must run /twp open. Only one plot of this type can be made per town.

Port Plots

Port plots are designated with /plot set port.

This is a waypoint plot that allows for fast travel between other plots of this type with no distance limits, using the command /twp travel.

In order to change the status of a waypoint, you must run /twp open. Only one plot of this type can be made per town.

Town Permissions

How do permissions work?

Towny has 4 main permission nodes:
Build: allows the placing of all blocks.
Destroy: allows the destroying of all blocks.
Switch: allows doors, and all containers to be opened.
ItemUse: allows items such as buckets or flint and steel to be used.

Which can be accessed by 4 types of people:
Resident: citizens in your town.
Nation: your nation members.
Ally: other nations you have allied.
Outsider: people not in your town.

How do I set my town permissions?

Town level permissions, which effect all chunks you own can be managed by typing /t set perm {resident/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}

Plot level permissions, which effect just the chunk you're standing on can be managed by typing /plot set perm {resident/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}

Permissions can be reset to default by typing /t set perm reset and /plot set perm reset

To allow your residents to build/destroy
/t set perm resident build on and /t set perm resident destroy on

You can toggle all permissions by typing /{t/plot} set perm {on/off}
You can toggle all permissions for specific people by typing /{t/plot} set perm {resident/ally/outsider} {on/off}
You can toggle all specifc permissions for everyone by typing /{t/plot} set perm {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}



Normally townblocks are claimed around the home block, always connected to the town. To claim a townblock out in the wilderness, a mayor or assistant must claim an outpost with /t claim outpost.

Outposts cannot be claimed too close to other home blocks.

Outposts can be teleported to, mayors set the spawn point of the outpost when they claim it or using /town set outpost. Players teleport to the outpost using /t outpost {#|name}.

/plot clear

A feature available only to Town Mayors on public town land: /plot clear.

This command is meant to be used after a plot was personally owned by a resident, who either moved to another plot or left town.

Selling Land

Land is sold by Mayors to Residents that are a part of their town.

To set the cost of all the plots that are set for sale hence-forth use /t set plotprice {$}

To put a plot up for sale a mayor, while standing in the plot, type /plot forsale {optional cost}.
The resident would then type /plot claim while standing in the plot to buy it.