
From GlobeMC Wiki

Sieges are wars initiated on a town by a nation. Competitive play is primarily done through this gameplay mechanic, and will only occur on weekends.


  • Sieges are designed to be expensive and resource heavy, as casually waging war across different towns for petty reasons is discouraged by the server's feedback loop. Reasons as to why a nation may siege are usually as follows:
    • To annex a town into a nation, likely due to their location.
    • To gain control of resource production.
  • Sieges cost 40 Florins per chunk.
    • A capital city costs four times as much to siege, being 160 Florins per chunk.
  • Only military ranks, leaders and mayors can participate in sieges. All other observers will gain nausea when entering a siege zone.
    • Leaders and Generals are only able to initiate sieges.
  • Sieges can only be started on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday serves as a buffer zone for preparation of the battle sessions.
  • There are seven battle sessions over the course of each weekend. Each battle session lasts one hour.
  • You must capture the banner to win points, usually done by waiting close to it for a few minutes.
  • Attackers lose more points than defenders, as they are at a homefield disadvantage.
    • Attacker point loss - 300
    • Defender point loss - 150


The primary command alias is /siegewar (or /sw for short).

  • /sw hud {townname} - The current information about an occuring siege.
  • /sw nation paysoldiers - Pay all soldiers their siege funds.
  • /sw collect - Collect funds from a siege.