American-Puerto Rican War

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American-Puerto Rican War

Date: 12/18/2024 - 12/21/2024

Location: San Juan

Result: Puerto Rican victory


Participating Commanders and Leaders


Participating Commanders and Leaders

The American-Puerto Rican War (18–21 December 2024) was a localized conflict fought between the United States and Puerto Rico, with external involvement from their respective allies. The war was induced by personal allegations between political leaders, escalating into a military confrontation that showcased the strategic and economic tensions underlying the region. Both sides committed significant resources, in what became a decisive clash of power. Though brief, the war reshaped geopolitical alliances, solidified Puerto Rico's economic and military standing, and brought significant changes to the mechanics of warfare on GlobeMC's 5th iteration. The conflict concluded with a decisive Puerto Rican victory, the transfer of economic reparations, and lasting hostilities between the two nations.


On December 17th, 2024, VRILGQD, an American Senator, claimed to have been sexually assaulted by the leader of Puerto Rico, TropicalFire_. He promptly denied the allegations, adding that the act was consensual. VRILGQD subsequently threatened with war against Puerto Rico. That same day, the American Senate held a hearing, concluding that war with Puerto Rico was inevitable and necessary. During the hearing, VRILGQD reaffirmed his allegations, and added that a potential American victory could stimulate the economy due to the potential profits, in order to further lobby the rest of the senate in his favor. Leagade, the American President, approved of VRILGQD's intentions and authorized the attack. On December 18th, at 12:49 p.m. EST, the Siege of San Juan was officially started by VRILGQD with the placement of the American Flag outside of the town's borders.

Course of the War

Middlemarch instantly made it obvious that they were going to be involved in the war to defend its ally, Puerto Rico. On the other side, the Kingdom of Bruges would intervene in the United States' favor. Since the Southern Levant held good relations with both sides, they opted to remain neutral through the conflict, though there was wide support for a Puerto Rican victory among the populace.

On the days before the battles, Puerto Rico refused to allow visits from anyone, to preserve privacy and confidentiality regarding war preparations. Trade with the United States and any of its residents, regardless of their involvement in the war, also ceased.

Sometime in between the siege's declaration and the battle sessions, VRILGQD built a base of operations out of Mona Island, about 800 blocks away from San Juan's city center. However, a few hours later, TropicalFire_ stumbled upon the base, and destroyed it while oblivious as to who had built it.


First Battle

The first battle happened at 4:00 a.m. EST, with only TropicalFire_ from San Juan showing up, as well as ShanDiggity with 5 more soldiers. Nobody from the United States showed up, but the Kingdom of Bruges sent 3 soldiers led by DiGeOn2011, who arrived in San Juan. The forces were quickly overpowered by the joint local Middlemarch-Puerto Rican garrison, and 2 of the 3 soldiers died, with the last having managed to flee. Shortly after, ShanDiggity, leader of Middlemarch, in representation of the defending side, made an offering to the King of Bruges, DiGeOn2011, who accepted a conditional surrender and secured a separate peace between the Kingdom of Bruges and Puerto Rico, the United States' only ally in the war.

The result was a victory for the defenders, who accumulated -13 620 points.

Second Battle

The second battle happened at 12:00 p.m. EST, 8 hours after the first. 3 soldiers including TropicalFire_ and ShanDiggity showed up in total, while only VRILGQD showed up to represent his side. During his first attempt to capture the banner in San Juan, VRILGQD retreated to Mona Island to regroup upon having failed, only to discover that his base had been destroyed. This forced him to fall back to his main base in The Hamptons for supplies and reinforcements. He attempted to capture the banner several more times, but was repeatedly repelled by the defending forces. During his final retreat, ShanDiggity managed to get VRILGQD to a critical health level, who tried to escape by throwing an ender pearl away. However, this ended up killing him instead, and he retreated to his town for good.

The result was a victory for the defenders, who accumulated -9 640 points.


At 13:06 p.m. EST, shortly after the end of the second battle, The United States formally surrendered unconditionally. The war ended with a points balance of -23 260 points, which resulted in a decisive victory against the attacking army of the United States and the transfer of 100% of the war chest (46 720₪) to San Juan.

The ensuing peace talks between the leaders of Puerto Rico, Middlemarch and the United States were held in Jerusalem, chosen in a joint agreement by its participants as adequate neutral grounds.

The American-Puerto Rican war was the first of its kind on GlobeMC's 5th iteration. It had an impact not only on the geopolitical landscape, but also on the server itself, with several tweaks and balance changes directed at the siege, war and McMMO combat mechanics.

Puerto Rico was on the receiving end of what it cost the United States to siege San Juan, further contributing to making it possible for the nation to become the first on the server to reach a net worth of 1 000 000φ. Since Middlemarch upheld its alliance, diplomatic, economic and military ties between the 2 nations were further reinforced.

In the United States, VRILGQD was striped of his General rank in the U.S Army by Leagade, upon hearing about the defeat in Puerto Rico, barring him the privilege of declaring war.

Immediately after the war, it was made clear that relations between the United States and Puerto Rico would never be the same again, with no official communication between the 2 nations after the conflict. Puerto Rico had welcomed American efforts to establish an embassy in San Juan prior to the attack, but, since the fact, it has never been brought up again.


Due to the fact the plugin that added the war mechanics was mostly untested, the war didn't take place how the admins envisioned it. For instance...

Seven battles were scheduled to happen on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of December, though only the first two actually took place.

High axe levels