
From GlobeMC Wiki

The Iterations of GlobeMC

Explore the evolution of GlobeMC, from its inception to the latest iteration.

Version 1 (v1) - January 11th, 2019 - April 2019


GlobeMC officially launched with a 1:1000 Earth map.

Key Features

Basic physical economy, player towns, vanilla terrain, and the first diplomatic interactions between towns.

Notable Events

Founding of the first towns and nations, early territorial expansions, and the cementation of the server’s community dynamics.

Version 2 (v2) - May 2019 - December 2019

Major Update

Matti released his new data driven Earth maps. Introduction of custom plugins, improved economy ideas, and new features for towns and nations.

New Mechanics

Added custom recipes, expanded roleplaying options, and more in-depth town management tools. Rebalancing of the physical economy and a temporary war system.

Notable Events

The HoloBunga. An explosion in retention due to the increased popularity of EarthMC and SMPEarth.

Version 3 (v3) - January 2021 - December 2021

Significant Changes

Map updates and the introduction of quality-of-life features, such as crafting utilities.


Streamlining gameplay for new players, focusing on town development, while keeping the world competitive and challenging.

Notable Events

This version paved the way for early ideas of more virtual economies.

Version 4 (v4) - January 2022 - June 2024

New Features

More fun things to do, such as making paintings in-game you can sell. Faster minecarts, and trading GUIs.

Expanded Plugins

Custom recipes and roleplaying plugins were further developed to enhance quality of fun.

Notable Events

Starlight Network was made.

Version 5 (v5) - November 2024 - Present Day

Current Version
New Updates
Ongoing Events

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